Multimedia and Design Student at Coimbra’s University and Project lead UX/UI Designer with +4 years of experience in the area.


I do design

Digital and Physical. Graphic and Product. Experience and Interface. Photography and Art. Even coding, I designed and developed this site myself.

My projects

My favorite Art&Prints


dói saber que um de mim há de ser só o observador

It hurts to know that one of me will be just the observer 2024

onde flor, fico

where it blooms, I stay 2024

tudo já foi o primeiro passo

everything was already the first step 2023

nao era para você

it wasn't for you 2023

desconfortável, eu volto, diferente

uncomfortable, I return, changed. 2023

fez sentido tentar mudar

it made sense to try to change 2023

hoje eu quero diferente

I want different today 2023

gente não cabe, encaixa

people don't fit, it fits 2024

ontem comecei um novo hobby

yesterday, I started a new hobby 2024